Originally from Indonesia, Natasha relocated to Melbourne to continue her studies and commence her career. Natasha joined National Audits Group in 2019 in our external audit business unit. The exposure she has had in both external and internal audit have helped kick-start her career, where she has gained extensive knowledge in the AFSL industry, managing around 25 AFSL clients.
Through client meetings and onsite visits, Natasha has built strong, professional relationships within her areas of specialisation. She focuses on the needs of each individual client and strives to exceed their expectations. Natasha’s constant drive to learn has shown, she is not only technically capable, it guarantees the quality of her work.
Areas of Specialisation:
At National Audits Group we take pride in the quality of service provided and the results we deliver. Grow faster and further in confidence! Our expertise will help to take you there.
At National Audits Group we take pride in the quality of service provided and the results we deliver. Our vision is to be recognised and respected as the leading provider of quality assurance and advisory services.
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