Kristine joined the National Audits Group team in 2022, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge in both accounting and audit. Kristine commenced her career as a credit analyst in a beverage company located in the Philippines. It was here, she found her passion for the accounting profession and after 3 years transitioned to Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) accounting. Kristine’s interest in the industry continued to grow and she extended her expertise into SMSF audits in 2020.
Kristine’s diverse industry understanding and inquisitive mind provide her with the skills to exceed client expectations through high quality audits on each and every engagement.
Areas of Specialisation:
At National Audits Group we take pride in the quality of service provided and the results we deliver. Grow faster and further in confidence! Our expertise will help to take you there.
At National Audits Group we take pride in the quality of service provided and the results we deliver. Our vision is to be recognised and respected as the leading provider of quality assurance and advisory services.
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