Commencing her professional journey as an accountant within the shared business services sector, Jennifer’s trajectory swiftly led her to the realms of audit upon joining a prominent firm in the Philippines. The exposure garnered in this role proved both substantial and pertinent. However, the unforeseen advent of the pandemic prompted Jennifer to reassess her career path. Fueled by a pursuit of enduring professional growth and financial stability, she embarked upon a transition to a novel industry. Venturing into the domain of SMSF (Self-Managed Superannuation Fund), she adeptly maneuvered through two years of dedicated service in administration and accounting. Bolstered by these experiences, Jennifer has seamlessly transitioned back to the audit industry, aligning herself with NAG. With a fusion of her accumulated expertise, she enthusiastically anticipates a consequential contribution to her role, drawing from the amalgamation of her diverse professional chapters.
Areas of Specialisation:
At National Audits Group we take pride in the quality of service provided and the results we deliver. Grow faster and further in confidence! Our expertise will help to take you there.
At National Audits Group we take pride in the quality of service provided and the results we deliver. Our vision is to be recognised and respected as the leading provider of quality assurance and advisory services.
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